
Heracles Labors: The Cattle of Geryon.
     The three-headed monster Geryon, son of CallirhoĆ« and Chrysaor, lived on the island of Erytheia, located at the western edge of the world. lie possessed a large herd of red cattle, which were tended by his herdsman, Eurytion, and a two-headed dog, Orthus. The tenth labor of Heracles (Hercules) was to bring the cattle back to Tiryns. When he reached northern Africa, Helios gave him a great golden cup in which to sail to the distant island. Once there, Heracles killed Eurytion and Orthus, then slew Geryon and took the cattle. He loaded the cattle into the cup, sailed with them back to the mainland, and herded them overland to Greece.
     On the journey to and from Erytheia, Heracles was involved in a number of parerga, among them the establishment of the Pillars of Heracles at the Strait of Gibraltar and the killing of the monster Cacus in Italy. When at last he reached the court of Eurystheus, the king sacrificed the cattle to Hera.

Further Reference:
Galinsky, G. Karl. 1972. The Herakles Theme: The Adaptations of the Hero in Literature from Homer to the Twentieth Century. Totowa, N.J., Rowman & Littlefield.

Listings for Heracles' Labors are arranged under the following headings:
Heracles Labors, General List
The Nemean Lion
The Lernean Hydra
The Erymanthian Boar
The Ceryneian Hind
The Stymphalian Birds
The Stables of Augeas
Heracles and Antaeus
The Cretan Bull
The Mares of Diomedes
The Girdle of Hippolyta
The Cattle of Geryon
The Apples of the Hesperides

For Heracles entries generally: