
Prometheus the Creator.
Often worshiped alongside Hephaestus as a god of craftsmen, Prometheus was known to the Greeks for teaching mankind all manner of arts and sciences to improve their lot. According to Apollodorus, he was even credited with creating mankind out of clay. Prometheus’ greatest gift to mankind was fire. When Prometheus tricked Zeus (Jupiter) into choosing the less desirable portions of the sacrifices offered by men, Zeus retaliated by depriving humankind of fire to warm themselves and cook their food. Prometheus stole a spark of fire (or a smoldering piece of fennel) from either heaven or the forge of Hephaestus and restored it to man. For this and other impieties, Zeus punished Prometheus by chaining him to a rocky crag. Zeus’s creation of Pandora (the first woman), was also said to be in retribution for Prometheus’s behavior.
       Prometheus was also called the progenitor of mankind because he was the father of Deucalion. When Zeus sent a flood to destroy humanity, Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha were saved and afterward repopulated the earth.
       Listings are arranged under the following headings:
Prometheus; Prometheus the Creator; Prometheus Bound; Prometheus Freed.