
Euripides composed a satyr play entitled Sisyphus which may or may not be preserved in part in TrGF I 43 Critias F 19, a matter of some dispute.
Both Aeschylus and Sophocles also had written tragedies, now lost, on the Sisyphus theme.

... Those who believe that the fragment was written by Euripides, and not by Critias, include A. Dihle, Hermes 105 (1977), 28f., R. Scodel, The Trojan Trilogy of Euripides (Göttingen, 1982), 124f., and others. See Euripides Dramatic Fragments ed. Collard and Cropp Loeb Classical Library, vol. 506, p. 670f. [DOI:10.4159/DLCL.euripides-dramatic_fragments.2008]