
    A daughter of Atlas, Calypso was goddess of the island of Ogygia. When Odysseus was washed ashore. Calypso gave him hospitality. He became her lover and lingered for seven years. Calypso promised Odysseus immortality if he would remain with her, but he refused it. At last Zeus sent Hermes (Mercury) to tell Calypso that she must let him depart. Magnanimously, Calypso gave Odysseus provisions and the materials with which to construct a raft, on which he continued his journey. Calypso was said by some writers to be the mother of Telegonus by Odysseus, although that role is usually given to Circe.

Listings are arranged under the following headings:
Odysseus, General list; Odysseus, the Lotus-eaters; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Odysseus, Circe; Odysseus in the Underworld; Odysseus and the Sirens; Odysseus, Scylla and Charybdis; Odysseus and Calypso; Odysseus and Leucothea; Odysseus and NausicaƤ; Return of Odysseus; Death of Odysseus; Odysseus' Last Voyage