
Death of Odysseus.
    In the Underworld, Tiresias had cryptically told Odysseus that his death would be “off the sea” (meaning either “away from the sea” or “coming from the sea”). An oracle had predicted that Odysseus would be killed by his son; therefore Telemachus was banished from Ithaca. However, Telegonus, Odysseus’s son by Circe, came sailing in search of his father and attacked Ithaca in the mistaken belief that it was Corcyra. Odysseus joined the batde and was killed by Telegonus, who wielded a spear armed with the spine of a stingray.

Listings are arranged under the following headings:
Odysseus, General list; Odysseus, the Lotus-eaters; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Odysseus, Circe; Odysseus in the Underworld; Odysseus and the Sirens; Odysseus, Scylla and Charybdis; Odysseus and Calypso; Odysseus and Leucothea; Odysseus and Nausicaä; Return of Odysseus; Death of Odysseus; Odysseus' Last Voyage