
Last Voyage of Odysseus.
    Although there is no extant classical text that treats a “last voyage” of Odysseus, there is a possible clue in the Odyssey, in Tiresias’s prophecy to Odysseus when they meet in the Underworld. The seer tells Odysseus that after killing the suitors he must carry an oar on his shoulder and visit a land where men eat no food mixed with salt; there, after a stranger has taken his oar from him, he is to make a sacrifice to Poseidon.
    Using this tantalizing kernel of prophecy as well as poetic fancy, many postclassical writers have imaginatively created a hypothetical future for Odysseus.

Listings are arranged under the following headings:
Odysseus, General list; Odysseus, the Lotus-eaters; Odysseus, Polyphemus; Odysseus, Circe; Odysseus in the Underworld; Odysseus and the Sirens; Odysseus, Scylla and Charybdis; Odysseus and Calypso; Odysseus and Leucothea; Odysseus and Nausicaä; Return of Odysseus; Death of Odysseus; Odysseus' Last Voyage